Idle Coffee Corp
Branding and User Interface for a №1 Mobile Game

Idle coffee corp hudIdle coffee corp introIdle coffee corp shop

Idle Coffee Corp is the latest title of Berlin-based mobile games developer Starberry Games. In this game of the “Idle Games”-genre, the player manages a small and local coffee shop.

Human Deluxe has partnered with Starberry Games to develop the user interface design of the charming 3D game. The challenge was to find a style that matches both the hip and haptic world of $5-coffee shops and is also enjoyable looking at for many hours of playtime.

Working closely with Starberry co-founder Antti Hattara and Art Director Jeremy Kool, the design studio managed to capture the essence of the game and delivered a design system that could be directly integrated into the game during development.

Idle coffee corp ambientIdle coffee corp ui elementsIdle coffee corp brand

The Idle Coffee Corp. Logo is a playful take on brick-and-mortar coffee shops: «We didn’t want the overly rendered, overly saturated look of other mobile games»

«Fast-paced development and very tight deadlines are always a challenge in Indie game development», says studio founder and game industry veteran Johannes Ippen. «thanks to direct communication, design system architecture and direct testing, we managed to deliver high quality in a very short time frame.»

Idle coffee corp logo processIdle coffee corp logoIdle coffee corp cupIdle coffee corp press kit unboxed

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